New video game “Rape Day’ lets users attack and rape women, petition filed after backlash

Called, Rape Day, the upcoming videogame lets players control a sociopathic rapist for the thrill. According to a description of the game on the site, players could “control the choices of a menacing serial killer rapist during a zombie apocalypse.

chanshimla varah
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New video game “Rape Day’ lets users attack and rape women, petition filed after backlash

New controversial video game “Rape Day’ pulled from Stream service (Photo: Twitter)

Still while in the midst of all the PUBG din, an extremely controversial video game, Rape Day that lets gamers attack and rape women has placed the public on the edge. Called, Rape Day, the upcoming videogame lets players control a sociopathic rapist for the thrill. According to a description of the game on the site, players could “control the choices of a menacing serial killer rapist during a zombie apocalypse. Verbally harass, kill, and rape women as you choose to progress the story.”

Following this extremely degrading and malevolent churn on women, the game which was due to be available to gamers around the world next month through the popular online gaming service, has been pulled back.

The game caught the attention of the public eye after it was listed on popular gaming platform Steam Store. It features explicit sexual assault images and pictures while also describing users that the games include "violence, sexual assault, non-consensual sex, obscene language, necrophilia, and incest".

Following the publicity, it didn’t take long for an upsurge of outrage to come pouring in for the controversial game. from critics to bring down the game. A petition has in fact been filed to pull back the game form the masses. Activist and executive director at Australia, Sally Rugg, who shared a petition on social media calling for the game to be banned, shared a strong opinion on her abhorrence for her game, “Rape is not a game and the makers of this should not be allowed to make money promoting the rape and killing of women,” the petition says. “How is this allowed to happen?” she wrote on her Twitter handle.

 Many activists have also taken to Twitter to share the same, Since the petition on Wednesday, it has received more than 3000 signatures.

Video Game Rape Day pubg Stream