5 DAYS TO GO: 2,000-Feet Asteroid CH59 To Come Dangerously Close To Earth On December 26, May Hit Us

Yet another asteroid dubbed as CH59 will come astronomically close to Earth just one day after Christmas. Measuring somewhere around 2,000 feet, asteroid CH59 is hurtling towards Earth at the speed of 27,450mph.

Anurag Singh
New Update
5 DAYS TO GO: 2,000-Feet Asteroid CH59 To Come Dangerously Close To Earth On December 26, May Hit Us

2,000-Feet Asteroid CH59 To Come Dangerously Close To Earth On This Day (Representational Image)( Photo Credit : Pixabay.com)

In recent times, News Nation reported that many giant asteroids including 2019 OK, 2019 OD, 2015 HM10, 2019 OE, 2019 NN3, 2019 MB4, 2019 MT2, 2006 QV89, 2016 NO56M, RF12, and others approached towards the Earth, fortunately, did not hit our planet. Yet another asteroid dubbed as CH59 will come astronomically close to Earth just one day after Christmas. Measuring somewhere around 2,000 feet, asteroid CH59 is hurtling towards Earth at the speed of 27,450mph. According to NASA’s asteroid trackers, the space rock will come dangerously close to Earth at around 7.54 AM (GMT) of December 26, 2019.

During its closest approach, asteroid CH59 will approach the planet from a distance of about 0.04874 astronomical units (au). Importantly, one astronomical unit is the distance from our planet to the Sun or about 93 million miles (149.6 million km). Luckily, asteroid CH59 will considerably cut this down to just 4.5 million miles (7.29 million km) next month. In other words, the space rock will zip past us by nearly 19 times as far as the Moon is from Earth. Do not worry as the asteroid CH59 PD1 will not hit the Earth. We are safe, relax.

Asteroid CH59 is comparable in size to China’s Canton Tower and The Sears Tower in Chicago, US. This means the asteroid is not big enough to end all life on Earth. It is worth mentioning here that after the asteroid’s close approach to Earth, NASA predicts CH59 will pass incredibly close to Venus on September 10, 2020. The asteroid will visit Earth again in March 2021, December 2023 and March 2024.

Asteroids are small, rocky objects that orbit the Sun. The space rocks (asteroids) approach towards the Earth due to the gravitational forces that affect them. Asteroids can bring tsunamis, shock waves and flattening winds that could be catastrophic.

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It is to be noted that asteroids, if hit Earth, can bring tsunamis, shock waves and flattening winds that could be catastrophic. The space rocks approach towards the Earth due to the gravitational forces that affect them. It is said that one day all life on the Earth will be extinct. Not only life, but the Earth will also extinct someday and an asteroid could be the possible reason. Shocked to hear that? However, a car-sized asteroid slams into the Earth's atmosphere about once in a year. On the other hand, an asteroid large enough to threaten the existence of life on Earth arrives once every few million.


Earth Asteroid CH59 NASA