Alien spaceship spotted? Mysterious object caught on Google Earth sparks controversy over existence of extra-terrestrial lives

Alien hunters have been looking for extra-terrestrial lives for over a decade now. While earlier studies have sparked several debates over the existence of aliens, the latest finding by a group of UFO scientists in Antarctica is doing rounds on social networking sites.

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Alien spaceship spotted? Mysterious object caught on Google Earth sparks controversy over existence of extra-terrestrial lives

Alien spaceship spotted? Mysterious object caught on Google Earth (Photo Source: YouTube)

Alien hunters have been looking for extra-terrestrial lives for over a decade now. While earlier studies have sparked several debates over the existence of aliens, the latest finding by a group of UFO scientists in Antarctica is doing rounds on social networking sites.

Secureteam10, one of the research websites on aliens, claims that a mysterious object has been spotted on Google Earth and believed to be a spaceship that crash landed in a remote South Georgia Island.

Researchers have further zoomed in on the images of that alleged spacecraft and tried to analyse the track running behind the same. The unidentified mass was found near the 10,000ft tall Mount Paget where only 20 people live.

Secureteam10 suggests that the object had slid through the snow prior to arriving at the final resting place on the icy island, not far from Antarctica.

The video, published on March 3 has already been viewed 1,930,261 times and the comment thread was flooded with over 7,000 remarks from across the globe.

While some of the viewers believe the object to be a alien spacecraft, others suggest that this could be a human-made airplane or aircraft or a missile that was fired for some testing purpose.

Another group of people thinks that it was a piece of rock, pushed along from a nearby glacier.

"It’s Santa's sleigh," another remark on the comment section reads.

Also Read: Aliens may cause end of human lives on Earth? Experts warn!

Secureteam10 is one of the fastest growing outlets, which is believed to be an important source for breaking news and exposure of the alien phenomenon.

Google Earth Aliens Antarctica UFO Alien Spaceship Secureteam10 extra terrestrial lives