Another anomaly spotted on Mars: Alien hunter believes it’s a 'monkey'

A prominent UFO conspiracy theorist Scott C Waring has spotted some anomalies from NASA's Mars images which made many people believe that aliens are living on the Red Planet. He believes its a monkey.

Anurag Singh
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Another anomaly spotted on Mars: Alien hunter believes it’s a 'monkey'

Monkey on Mars (Photo Credit: ET Data base)

We all have heard so much about aliens. However, it is yet to find out that aliens are myth or reality. Alien hunters from across the globe have been working hard to find the truth if there are some sorts of small life-forms on other habitable planets across the universe. In past few years, Taiwanese alien hunter Scott C Waring has spotted many anomalies from NASA images. Recently, a prominent UFO conspiracy theorist Scott C Waring believes the NASA Curiosity Rover has captured a flying bird in one of its Red Planet photos. And now, Waring has spotted some anomalies from NASA's Mars images which made many people believe that aliens are living on the Red Planet.

After spotting the monkey on Mars, the Taiwanese alien hunter alleged that the US space agency may have never visited Mars and claimed that these visuals might have been shot from Devon Island. Waring argues that if the picture was captured originally from Mars, then it could be proof of alien life on the Red Planet.

Take a look at a video released by ET Data base:

Also Read: Did NASA photograph a flying bird on Mars? Details inside

Taking to his website ET Data Base, Waring said, "I found the original and the monkey is in it...this is 100% proof that the photo has not been tampered with. But now we have other problems. Is the rover on Devon Island in Canada? Are there monkeys on Devon island? Maybe, but not sure. Maybe NASA brought the monkey to experiment on it in the Martian environment. Maybe it could be a form of animal life on Mars. Who knows? The only way to find out, is for the public to go there."

Importantly, Devon is a desolate island area with only a handful of people and NASA has gone there many times to test the rovers in an environment similar to Mars.

Interestingly, this is not new as unexpected anomalies photographs taken on Mars and the Moon and beamed back to Earth for further examination by NASA. The reality of the anomaly is yet to be known.


mars Devon island NASA Mars image NASA Anomoly Scott C Waring Monkey Red Planet