Crows are as smart as 7-year-old humans; 10 facts about the most intelligent bird

shashikant sharma
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Crows are as smart as 7-year-old humans; 10 facts about the most intelligent bird

Crows are as smart as 7-year-old humans

"There was a crow which was very thirsty. He searched for water everywhere. At last he saw a water pot near a well. He looked inside the pot and but the water level was very low…...." Remember the thirsty crow story? How the crow used his mind to bring the water level up by putting stones into the pot?

The old story not just reminds us of our childhood but it also tells one significant fact about the crows. Their intelligence. Crows are as intelligent as a seven-year-old human. They know the concept of analogies which shows their quality of advance intelligence.

Here are 10 very interesting facts about crows:

1. Crows and ravens are the most intelligent birds in the world.

2. They are the only primates that can use and make new tools.

3. The can use a stick to reach out the meal out of their reach. (Read Thirsty Crow)

4. In an experiment carried out on the crows, they were seen bending wires to make tools even if they never encountered wires before.

5. Crows can solve complex multi-step puzzles. In an experiment, they were given a multi-step puzzle to release the food reward. A crow solved the puzzle and retrieved the food successfully.

6. Crows are extremely smart with a powerful memory. A crow can even recognise and remember individual human faces.

7. They can also share the information about danger with other crows in their own language.

8. And not just that, they can also hold grudges and pass it on to their offspring.

9. Crows change their entire migration pattern to avoid regions where even a single crow has been killed in the past.

10. Last but not the least, Crows also engage in their own “crow court” where they punish a crow who has committed any crime like stealing food from younger crows.

Birds Crows