End of the world: Bible claims another Doomsday on September 23

The latest doomsday theory is known as Revelation 12 Sign which predicts that the Rapture will soon be fulfilled with the appearance of a “woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.'

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End of the world: Bible claims another Doomsday on September 23

End of the world: Bible claims another Doomsday on September 23.

According to the recent report, some claiming theorists are claiming that the Rapture set out in the Book of Revelation, will see 'worthy' Christians lifted into heaven by Jesus, while those remaining will be left to face the end of the world.

According to conspiracy theorists, September 23 is the beginning of the apocalypse.

The latest doomsday theory is known as Revelation 12 Sign which predicts that the Rapture will soon be fulfilled with the appearance of a “woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.”

The theory is based on actual Bible scripture and largely dismissed by the wider Christian community.

The predictions will be fulfilled completely by an astronomical alignment involving constellations Leo and Virgo along with several other planets.

The Rapture is the second coming of Jesus Christ as prophesied in John 14:1-3 where those who have lived 'sin free' lives meet the Lord, the report explained.

The believers of the theory promote that the women mentioned in the prophecy represent the constellation Virgo and the crown of the stars represent Leo.

The theory is based on actual Bible scripture and largely dismissed by the wider Christian community. The theory was originally purported by William Tapley, an American YouTube Channel owner who published the first video about the alignment entitled 'Stellarium' in 2011.
