WARNING! Massive earthquake measuring over 7.0 magnitude may hit between August 14-18

On his website, Ditrianum, Frank Hoogerbeets said: “Absence of critical planetary geometry caused a seismic lull in the last seven days with no magnitude 6+ earthquake since August 4.

Aniruddha Dhar
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New Update
WARNING! Massive earthquake measuring over 7.0  magnitude may hit between August 14-18

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A massive earthquake measuring more than 7.0 on Richter scale may hit some parts of the world with August 14 and 18. A self-proclaimed seismic researcher named Frank Hoogerbeets said “absence of critical planetary geometry caused a seismic lull in the last seven days”, and “this is likely going to change in the coming days”.

On his website, Ditrianum, Frank Hoogerbeets said: “Absence of critical planetary geometry caused a seismic lull in the last seven days with no magnitude 6+ earthquake since August 4. 

“This is likely going to change in the coming days. Starting on the 12th, 13th a seismic increase may occur due to upcoming critical planetary geometry. A seismic peak is most likely to occur from the 14th to the 18th with potentially one or two high 6 to 7+ magnitude earthquakes.”

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Earlier, he had predicted that seismic activities would see a dramatic rise on August 2 and 3 due to a lunar peak. Hoogerbeets had issued an earthquake warning just hours before the powerful quake that rattled different cities of Indonesia.

Indonesian authorities said that a strong earthquake that hit off Java island killed four people and damaged more than 200 houses, swaying buildings as far away as the capital. The US Geological Survey said magnitude 6.8 quake was centered 151 kilometers (94 miles) from Banten province off Java's southwest coast.

Interestingly, many of the predictions made by Hoogerbeets have turned true in the recent past, and it includes the California quakes that happened on July 5. However, many experts have already rubbished his claims earlier, saying that earthquake are not possible to predict.

Hoogerbeets, on his website, claims that he was using an advanced system named Solar System Geometry Index (SSGI) to predict potential earthquakes that will happen in the future.

"Also, contrary to what is falsely being claimed, we are not part of any conspiracy theory group. We are not against anyone or anything. We provide information in an impartial manner about the seismic effects from specific planetary and lunar geometry," Hoogerbeets says.

Earthquake Frank Hoogerbeets tremors quake secismic