WARNING! NASA prepares for massive 'God of Chaos' asteroid set to hurtle close to Earth

The 99942 Apophis asteroid will pass under communication and weather satellites in orbit, travelling at almost 25,000 mph when it rockets past the earth.

Aniruddha Dhar
Updated On
New Update
WARNING! NASA prepares for massive 'God of Chaos' asteroid set to hurtle close to Earth

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The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is preparing for a massive asteroid nicknamed ‘God of Chaos’ which will hurtle close to the earth’s surface, according to reports. The 99942 Apophis asteroid will pass under communication and weather satellites in orbit, travelling at almost 25,000 mph when it rockets past the earth.

The NASA has already begun preparations for the arrival of asteroid 99942 Apophis which will skim past the earth in 10 years. The asteroid measures 340 meters across and will pass within just 19,000 miles of Earth’s surface. Apophis is one of the largest asteroids to pass so close to the Earth’s surface and a collision with the planet has the potential to be devastating for all life on Earth, reported Cape Business News.

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It is being considered a Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (PHA), reported Daily Star, adding that any variation of its path could have catastrophic consequences. Although experts said the chances are extremely low.

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 “We already know that the close encounter with Earth will change Apophis’ orbit. But our models also show the close approach could change the way this asteroid spins and it is possible that there will be some surfaces changes, like small avalanches,” Daily Star quoted astronomer Davide Farnocchia as saying.

Meanwhile, asteroid 2019 PK, first spotted flying through space on August 5, shot past the Earth on Sunday, August 18. The NASA classified the asteroid flyby as an “Earth Close Approach”.

Earlier this week, News Nation had reported that a giant asteroid dubbed as ‘2019 OU1’ approaching towards the Earth. And now, another asteroid named as 2018 PN22 will approach dangerously towards Earth. Don’t worry, asteroid 2018 PN22 will not hit the Earth and we all are safe. Asteroids are small, rocky objects that orbit the Sun. The space rocks (asteroids) approach towards the Earth due to the gravitational forces that affect them. Asteroids can bring tsunamis, shock waves and flattening winds that could be catastrophic.

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Talking specifically about asteroid 2018 PN22, the space rock is about 62 feet long (size of a school bus). According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), asteroid 2018 PN22 will fly from a distance of 0.04385 astronomical units or roughly 4 million miles away.

NASA asteroid Apophis Earth God of Chaos