Now get flexible lithium ion battery like human spine

Scientists have developed human spine shaped lithium ion battery that can recharge your flexible and wearable electronics such as smart watches, fabrics, glasses, sensors, and more.

shambhudeep hore
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Now get flexible lithium ion battery like human spine

Now get flexible lithium ion battery like human spine (Representative image)

The surge in demand for flexible and wearable electronic items has also created the need for a flexible battery that can recharge these gadgets.

Scientists have developed human spine shaped lithium ion battery that can recharge your flexible and wearable electronics such as smart watches, fabrics, glasses, sensors, and more.

 To put it simply, the combination of flexibility and high-power density was not possible till now by the researchers, but geeks at the Columbia University has finally broken the glass ceiling.

Finally, the vacuum created has finally been eliminated with the development of prototype battery shaped like the human spine.

“The energy density of our prototype is one of the highest reported so far,” said Yuan Yang,who led the study published in the journal Advanced Materials. “We’ve developed a simple and scalable approach to fabricate a flexible spine-like lithium ion battery that has excellent electrochemical and mechanical properties.”

“Our design is a very promising candidate as the first- generation, flexible, commercial lithium-ion battery. We are now optimising the design and improving its performance,” he said.

The prototype has thick, rigid segment that stores energy by winding the electrodes around a thin, flexible part that connects the vertebra-like stacks of electrodes together.

“The battery also successfully survived a harsh dynamic mechanical load test because of our rational bio-inspired design,” said Yang. 

(With PTI inputs)

spine-like battery columbai university Lithium-ion Battery wearable electronics