Researchers discover traces of water on Moon, hints at alien existence

In an interesting turn of events, a team of physicists from Japan and Germany has made a massive breakthrough by discovering evidence which proves that once upon a time, there were huge lakes of water on the moon, hinting on existence of extra-terrestrial life.

Subhayan Chakraborty
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Researchers discover traces of water on Moon, hints at alien existence

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In an interesting turn of events, a team of physicists from Japan and Germany has made a massive breakthrough by discovering evidence which proves that once upon a time, there were huge lakes of water on the moon, hinting on existence of extra-terrestrial life.

During the research, the team examined 13 lunar meteorites with latest microscopes. With extensive analysis the researchers found traces of moganite, a mineral which has silicon dioxide in one of the rocks from space, NWA 2727. The fact of the matter is that moganite only gets formed on earth when alkaline liquids get trapped under high pressure.

The report is published in the journal ‘Science Advances’.

With this latest discovery, many alien buffs have started to believe that moon, once harboured extra-terrestrial life. They even believe that aliens might be living in the underground bases of the moon to get away from the rash conditions.

In April, many leading media organisations claimed that Buzz Aldrin has passed a lie detector test for claiming that he witnessed an alien UFO during his course to earth’s satellite. However, Aldrin’s spokesperson denied the claimes.

Earlier, George Graham, a Scottish UFO researcher had spotted two mysterious objects on the lunar surface in a photograph captured by Chinese lunar probe spacecraft Chang’e 3.

Aliens Moon science