Severe solar storm to hit earth on May 6; partial Tech Blackout feared

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in statement said, “NOAA forecasters say G1-class geomagnetic storms are possible when the gaseous material arrives.'

shashikant sharma
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Severe solar storm to hit earth on May 6; partial Tech Blackout feared

Severe solar storm to hit earth on May 6; partial Tech Blackout feared

A massive solar storm or geomagnetic storm was heading towards earth and was likely to hit the planet on May 6, according to a National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) report.

The sun has opened its three coronal holes, ejecting out a huge amount of cosmic particles towards earth, the NASA report said. The report further stated that the cosmic particles would eventually create a geomagnetic storm or solar storm.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in statement said, “NOAA forecasters say G1-class geomagnetic storms are possible when the gaseous material arrives.”

“High latitude sky watchers should be alert for weekend auroras, especially in the southern hemisphere where deepening autumn darkness favours the visibility of Southern Lights.” the statement read.

However, some experts believe that the consequences of the solar storm could be far more serious than just the appearance of Southern Lights.

The experts said that the solar storm could affect the satellite-based technology of the earth and the planet could witness a partial Tech Blackout.

What is a Magnetic storm?

The magnetic storm is also known as the solar storm is a temporary disturbance caused by a solar wind shock wave of the Earth's magnetosphere. The solar storm is classified in 5 catagories - G1, G2, G3, G4 and G5. While G1 is considered to be a minor storm, G5 can cause terrible consequences on earth. 

According to the European Union's Joint Research Centre (JRC), powerful solar storms do have the capabilities to negatively impact crucial navigation and control systems across the continent's railway network.

magnetic storm Severe solar storm NASA Tech Blackout