UFOs Responsible Behind ISRO Losing Communication With Chandrayaan-2's Vikram Lander? Find Out Here

ISRO is still studying the reasons behind losing communication with Chandrayaan-2's Vikram lander. Sabir Hussain, a UFO expert, believes the loss of communication that Isro scientists suffered with the Vikram lander just before it was to land on the moon's surface was no accident but a warning from extra-terrestrials.

Anurag Singh
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ISRO's Chandrayaan-2 Orbiter Locates Vikram Lander On Moon, But No Contact Established Yet

Chandrayaan-2 Vikram Lander (File Photo)

Not only Indians, but the whole world was waiting for ISRO’s ambitious Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft to touchdown on the Moon on September 7. Unfortunately, communications with Chandrayaan-2's Vikram lander to ISRO's ground station in Bengaluru were lost minutes before touchdown. This was a big setback for ISRO. ISRO is still studying the reasons behind losing communication with Chandrayaan-2's Vikram lander. In the meantime, here are some bizarre theories, including extra-terrestrials interfering with the Chandrayaan-2’s moon landing that are doing the rounds. 

 According to a report of Deccan Chronicle, Sabir Hussain, a Chennai based independent researcher on UFO sightings and director of the Indian Society for UFO Studies (INSUFOS), believes the loss of communication that Isro scientists suffered with the Vikram lander just before it was to land on the moon's surface was no accident but a warning from extra-terrestrials. 

In an interview to Deccan Chronicle, Sabir Hussain said, "You will not be allowed to land on the moon unless 'they' decide to allow you. The Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) researchers around the world believe that the extra-terrestrials have sent a message to the Indian government to get rid of your nukes before you explore other worlds." 

Also Read: ISRO Loses Contact With Chandrayaan-2 Moments Before Landing On Moon Surface

"As a researcher studying the UFO-Nuclear Weapons, the failure of Chandrayaan-2 is not at all surprising to me," Deccan Chronicle quoted Hussain as saying.  

"Recently some Indian ministers have been making very irresponsible and dangerous statements on the use of nuclear weapons. If we had taken the warnings on UFO activity seriously, this situation could have been averted. Why do you think the Americans refused to go to the Moon after 1973?" Hussain asked. 

As per the Deccan Chronicle report, Hussain further claimed, "Both India and Pakistan have been openly threatening each other with nuclear attacks. But what the leadership of both these nations do not realise is that they can use their nuclear weapons only if the UFOs decide to allow them. In my opinion, this Vikram episode is just a warning to the Indian leadership from UFOs, that if you can't take care of your own world then don't come to ours. More messages are likely to follow. US Air Force Missile Launch Officer, Robert Salas, who witnessed an UFO switching off 10 nuclear missiles under his command in 1967, also concurs with this."  

He also cited numerous instances and statements to support his claim of alien interference in the world's nuclear affairs. 

At the end, Hussain said, "UFOs are very concerned about humans playing with nuclear weapons. In 2014-15, they were toying with American nuclear aircraft carriers, Theodore Roosevelt and Nimitz as recounted by some American Naval officers to the New York Times in May 2019."



  • ISRO lost communications with Chandrayaan-2's Vikram lander minutes before its landing on Moon.
  • ISRO is still studying the reasons behind losing communication with Chandrayaan-2's Vikram lander.
  • Sabir Hussain says UFOs are responsible behind ISRO losing communication with Chandrayaan-2's Vikram lander.
UFO Chandrayaan-2 Mission Chandrayaan-II Mission Vikram