Video: Aliens Trending! UFO Captures incredible trail after SpaceX's Falcon 9 Launch

After which the Los Angeles Fire Department had to resort to releasing a statement to reassure witnesses. The statement mentioned that the ‘mysterious light in the sky is reported to be the result of Air Force Base launching rocket to put satellite into space’.

Neha Singh
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Video: Aliens Trending! UFO Captures incredible trail after SpaceX's Falcon 9 Launch

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Space X successfully launched Falcon 9 into orbit from the Space Launch Complex 4E at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California on Friday, 22nd December at 5:27 pm.

This was the last SpaceX launch of the year and it caused a bit of a stir in the social media world.

Soon after the launch the hashtag #aliens started to trend and people were reporting UFO sightings.

If reports are to belived than many vehicles stopped along freeways and calls were made to the TV stations.

An incredible trail was left behind by the rocket which was captured was later shared on social platform.

After which the Los Angeles Fire Department had to resort to releasing a statement to reassure witnesses. The statement mentioned that the ‘mysterious light in the sky is reported to be the result of Air Force Base launching rocket to put satellite into space’. 

Elon Musk tweeted, ‘Nuclear alien UFO from North Korea’, followed by a video of the impressive trail left in the sky because of Falcon 9. It is thought that the trail seen was due to the fact that the sun had barely set and was illuminating the exhaust gases that were being ejected out of the rocket as it soared through the sky.

According to meteorologists, the launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying a Dragon spacecraft face a 90 percent chance of favourable weather.

Carrying about 4,800 pounds of cargo including critical science and research equipment, the Dragon spacecraft will spend a month attached to the space station.

The Falcon 9 rocket is launched with an aim to carry investigation that could help lower the risk to human life and critical hardware by orbital debris, NASA said.

It will also deliver crew supplies, equipment and other scientific research to crew members living and working aboard the station.

One such investigation will attempt to pull fiber optic wire from ZBLAN, a heavy metal fluoride glass commonly used to make fiber optic glass.

Life secret Pentagon Alien UFO extraterrestrial program