Chris Gayle remembers Big Bash scandal, names his baby girl Blush

RCB skipper Virat Kohli had also put up a post congratulating the West Indian for his new role as a father and also said that he will be proud to have himself called ‘Uncle Virat’ by junior Chris Gayle.

Pankaj Samantray
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Chris Gayle remembers Big Bash scandal, names his baby girl Blush

Chris Gayle

West Indian flamboyant batsman Chris Gayle was blessed with a baby girl and he named her Blush. The name has raised eyebrows as he was accused in the infamous sexism scandal which engulfed him in January during Big Bash.The 36-year-old was fined $10,000 by his club Melbourne Renegades and later made an apology of sorts, describing his comments as a simple joke.

On Thursday, the left hander posted on Instagram: “We would like to welcome the arrival of our beautiful daughter ‘Blush’ to this world 2 hours ago”. He later said on Twitter: “Thank you all for the sweet and kind messages. Blush won’t Blush, my baby.” The destructive left-handed batsman received a number of congratulatory messages from fans and the cricketing fraternity.

RCB skipper Virat Kohli had also put up a post congratulating the West Indian for his new role as a father and also said that he will be proud to have himself called ‘Uncle Virat’ by junior Chris Gayle. 

Chris Gayle Baby Blush