Mobile device maker HTC today unveiled three devices including its premium 4G smartphone M9 Plus priced at Rs 52,500 which will be available from May. Besides, the company will expand 4G handset portfolio with models likely to be priced below Rs 20,000 this year.“The M9 Plus will be available in India for Rs 52,500.
It will be available next month. We are close to our target of 7 per cent sales volumes in India and expect to reach 10 per cent by end of this year,” HTC president of Global Sales and Chief Financial Officer Chia-Lin Chang said here.He said that company will expand product portfolio to comfortably achieve the 10 per cent market share.
“We are planning to come up with more 4G smartphones which are likely to be priced below Rs 20,000. In addition, we hope to bring our wearable devices in India,” Chang said.HTC has enhanced display, audio experience and design in M9 Plus compared to previous models. It comes with 5.2 inch screen which has 2K resolution, HTC South Asia and India President Faisal Siddiqui said.
M9 plus is equipped with a 20 megapixel camera which the company representative said can shoot movies in 4K resolution.The M9 Plus has 3GB RAM and 32GB internal storage version. The storage is expandable up to 2 terabyte with help of external memory card.When asked about HTC’s strategy to raise sales in India where low-cost sets are running out of stock in few minutes, Chang said, “We don’t do opportunistic sales tactics.
We want to be looked as stable brand. If we create demand we should be able to meet the demand and ensure good after sales service.”The company also announced insurance plan for its phones, HTC Advantage, which will cover accidental and liquid damage, provide free pick and drop facility in case of complaints.
Siddiqui said that the company will start selling HTC One E9 and HTC Desire 326 G in second half of May and prices of these devices will be shared close to their launch time.