Tech giant HP on Tuesday launched Pro 8 tablet in India with price range starting from Rs 19,374. HP Pro 8 tablet supports regional languages that would help in monitoring subsidy distribution through Aadhaar authentication and deliver other benefits related to government schemes.
The HP Pro 8 tablet base model sports 8-inches IPS display with a bright 500-nit and 10 point multi-touch enabled 1280 x 800 resolution.
According to news agency IANS, “The device supports 22 Indian regional languages, an iris and fingerprint scanner for Aadhaar-based authentication, thermal printer and magnetic-stripe reader for financial transactions and bar code scanner for inventory management”
The Pro 8 runs on Android Marshmallow operating system and it is powered by a Quad Core MediaTek 8735 processor. As far as memory is considered the tablet has 16BG of internal storage expandable up to 64GB via microSD along with 2GB RAM and 6,000mAh high-capacity battery.
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The tablet has a micro-SIM slot apart from a Micro-USB slot and 3.5mm headphone jack. The tablet includes sensors like accelerometer, ambient light sensor, gyroscope, and proximity sensor.