Airstrike on Hammuriyeh town near Damascus kills 16 civilians: Monitor

More than 320,000 people have been killed in Syria since the conflict began in March 2011 with anti-government protests. The Eastern Ghouta region outside Damascus has been a regular target of regime air strikes and artillery fire.

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 Airstrike on Hammuriyeh town near Damascus kills 16 civilians: Monitor

An air-strike in a rebel-held area outside Syria's capital Damascus killed nearly 16 civilians while wounding others, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor said. It said it was not immediately clear who was responsible for the strike on the town Hammuriyeh in the opposition bastion of Eastern Ghouta.

"Sixteen civilians, including a child, were killed and around 50 others wounded in an air strike on the main street in the town of Hammuriyeh," Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman said. It was not immediately clear if all the wounded were civilians or if some were rebel fighters, he said, adding thatthe death toll could rise further because a number of the injured were in serious condition.

Also Read: Air strike kills 16 in Syrian prison: Monitor

The Eastern Ghouta region outside Damascus has been under a devastating government siege since 2012, and is also the regular target of regime air strikes and artillery fire. It is the last remaining opposition stronghold near Damascus, where a string of local "reconciliation deals" have seen villages and towns brought back under the control of President Bashar al-Assad's government.

Also Read: Syria: 33 dead in US-led coalition air strike

More than 320,000 people have been killed in Syria since the conflict began in March 2011 with anti-government protests. Government ally Russia and rebel backer Turkey brokered a nationwide truce in December, but violence has continued across the country.

Russia Syrian Observatory For Human Rights Syria Turkey World Damascus World News Syrian President Bashar al- Assad Hammurieyeh