Taliban abduct 40 passengers in Afghanistan's Samangan province

Aniruddha Dhar
Updated On
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Taliban abduct 40 passengers in Afghanistan's Samangan province

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The Taliban abduct at least 40 passengers in Afghanistan's  Dara-e-Soof district in Samangan province on Sunday morning, said Mohammad Munir Rahimi, Samangan police spokesman. He added the passengers were on their way to Balkh province, according to Tolo News.  

According to the report, the incident took place in Khushk Dara village in the district around 10 am, said Rahimi. He said Taliban resorted to taking hostage the passengers to convince the drivers to pay them taxes. Rahimi added that efforts are being made for safe release of the hostages. 

This is a report of report of abduction of passengers coming from Afghanistan in less than a week.   

On Tuesday, the Taliban abducted at least 25 passengers who were travelling from Balkhab district of Sar-e-Pul province to Mazar-e-Sharif, the capital of northern Balkh province.

Details are awaited...

Abduction Taliban Afghanistan Passengers province Samangan