US President Donald Trump Fires National Security Adviser John Bolton

Bolton said in a tweet that he had offered to resign on Monday night that the president had said in response that they would talk about it tomorrow.

Aniruddha Dhar
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US President Donald Trump Fires National Security Adviser John Bolton

US President Donald Trump and John Bolton. (Reuters file)

US President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he has  fired National Security Adviser John Bolton, saying he "disagreed with many of his suggestions."

“I informed John Bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House. I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions, as did others in the Administration, and therefore I asked John for his resignation, which was given to me this morning,” Trump said on Twitter.

Bolton said in a tweet that he had offered to resign on Monday night that the president had said in response that they would "talk about it tomorrow. "Bolton had pushed Trump to take a harder line on regimes he has deemed untrustworthy.

He had also clashed with other top administration officials, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Bolton had a reputation as a foreign policy hawk, and in May this year, Trump said he has at times had to temper him.

“John’s very good. He has strong views on things which is OK. I’m the one who tempers him, which is OK. I have John Bolton and I have people who are a little more dovish than him,” Trump said.

Bolton was Trump's third NSA, a role first briefly held by retired Lt General Michael Flynn and then later by retired Lt Gen HR McMaster.

NSA John Bolton Donald Trump President National Security Adviser US