After resignation, David Cameron hums away from 10 Downing Street

The Conservative party leader recently resigned from his post in the aftermath of a failed campaign against the Britain’s exit from the European Union. But this appears to have not affected his spirits. David Cameron was caught on tape humming merrily after a press conference on Monday about time table of handover of his office ad residence to Theresa May on July 13, 2016.

Arshi Aggarwal
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After resignation, David Cameron hums away from 10 Downing Street

British Prime Minister David Cameron to hand over PM office to Theresa May today

British Prime Minister David Cameron seems to have thrown all his worries to the wind. The Conservative party leader recently resigned from his post in the aftermath of a failed campaign against the Britain’s exit from the European Union. But this appears to have not affected his spirits. 

Cameron was caught on tape humming merrily after a press conference on Monday about time table of handover of his office ad residence to Theresa May on July 13, 2016. 

An occupant of 10 Downing Street from past six years, Cameron has already announced that he will not seek a third term. 

He was also recently spotted at the Wimbledon match, where he came to witness the win of the British player Andy Murray. However, he was booed down by the audiences at the game. 

It is likely that after the resignation comes into force, public anger towards him and media glare on his private life will reduce in near future, giving him a chance at happy summers, if he so desires.

British Prime Minister Conservative party Andy Murray 10 Downing Street David Cameron Theresa May