Democrats move to block Donald Trump's border emergency

US Democrats on Friday rolled out their measure aimed at blocking President Donald Trump from circumventing Congress to seize federal dollars for construction of his controversial southern border wall

fayiq wani
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Democrats move to block Donald Trump's border emergency

The legislation is expected to clear the Democrat-held House of Representatives, then head to the Senate where it is guaranteed a vote under the rules

US Democrats on Friday rolled out their measure aimed at blocking President Donald Trump from circumventing Congress to seize federal dollars for construction of his controversial southern border wall. "The chamber will vote next Tuesday on the so-called disapproval resolution to terminate the national emergency that Trump declared last week, an exceptional step that sparked fierce political and legal battles,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The legislation is expected to clear the Democrat-held House of Representatives, then head to the Senate where it is guaranteed a vote under the rules. Its fate, however, is anything but assured in the upper chamber, which is controlled by Trump's Republicans.

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Earlier, a coalition of 16 states in the United States led by California sued President Donald Trump’s administration over his decision to declare a national emergency to obtain funds for building a wall along the US-Mexico border. The lawsuit filed in US District Court for the Northern District of California came just days after Trump invoked emergency powers on Friday.

Trump had invoked emergency powers after the Congress declined to fulfill his request for $5.7 billion to help build the wall that was his signature 2016 campaign promise. The declaration of emergency would empower him to fund the construction of a massive wall along the US-Mexico border to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the country and curb drug smuggling. The move would help Trump get $5.6 billion for the construction of the wall that, he has asserted, is essential for national security.

"Will I veto it? 100 per cent," Trump said, expressing confidence that Congress would not be able to override his objection.

Overriding a presidential veto requires a two-thirds majority in both chambers, meaning substantial numbers of Republicans would have to break with Trump in order for his emergency declaration to be blocked.

Pelosi meanwhile hammered away at Trump's "lawless" declaration, saying it had no valid rationale.

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"There is no evidence to support the president's false claim of a crisis on the border," Pelosi told a conference call Friday from Laredo, Texas, where she and fellow lawmakers were visiting a bridge connecting the US and Mexico.

Trump announced the emergency last week in order to bypass Congress, which did not approve the USD 5.7 billion he wanted for his wall, a longstanding promise from his 2016 presidential campaign.

Donald Trump Mexico Border emergency US Congress US Emergency