Donald Trump calls Russia probe 'witch hunt' as Flynn seeks immunity

Trump’s ex-national security advisor, whose links to Russia are one focus of the sprawling investigation, has sought protection in exchange for his testimony to the FBI and congressional committees.

Saurabh Kumar
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Donald Trump calls Russia probe 'witch hunt' as Flynn seeks immunity

Donald Trump

President Donald Trump on Friday defended a decision by his former top aide Michael Flynn to ask for immunity in a probe into the Trump team’s ties to Russia, blasting the case as an opposition “witch hunt.

Trump’s ex-national security advisor, whose links to Russia are one focus of the sprawling investigation, has sought protection in exchange for his testimony to the FBI and congressional committees.

Flynn’s lawyer said in a statement on Thursday that his client has “a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit.”

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But two key committees in the probe, the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, both suggested the immunity proposal was premature. Trump nevertheless encouraged Flynn’s move in a tweet that appeared to lay down a challenge.

“Mike Flynn should ask for immunity in that this is a witch hunt (excuse for big election loss), by media & Dems, of historic proportion!”

Flynn’s offer to testify under protection from prosecution suggests he has more to reveal about the Russia affair.

He could be a key witness as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Congress seek to determine whether Trump advisors collided with Russia’s interference in last year’s presidential election.

But Adam Schiff, the senior Democrat on the House panel, said there was “still much work and many more witnesses and documents to obtain before any immunity request from any witness can be considered.”

“We should first acknowledge what a grave and momentous step it is for a former national security advisor to the president of the United States to ask for immunity from prosecution,” Schiff said.

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NBC News also quoted unnamed officials as saying the issue was not on the table at the Senate committee “at the moment.”

A close advisor to Trump’s 2016 campaign, Flynn was forced to step down from his White House job in February after misleading the vice president about conversations he had with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak after the election.

He is also in focus over receiving USD 33,000 from Russian television RT to attend a 2015 gala in Moscow where he sat with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and USD 530,000 from Turkey for lobbying services.

Russia probe Mike Flynn Donald Trump FBI