Earth's temperature likely to rise 2 degree Celsius by the end of this century, says study

Researchers found only a 5 percent chance that warming could be at or below 2-degree Celsius

himani gwari
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Earth's temperature likely to rise 2 degree Celsius by the end of this century, says study

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Earth is already showing many signs of climate change, global temperature is rising. If this is continued it can have the worst effect on the whole ecosystem. A study published in the Journal Nature Climate Change shows a 90% chance that temperature will increase by the end of this century about 2 to 4.9 degrees Celsius.

Researchers at the University of Washington found only a 5 percent chance that warming could be at or below 2-degree Celsius. In 2015 Paris climate conference, a target was set to limit the emission of green house gases that warm the planet.

If the target is missed that would have dramatic consequences on people's livelihood, such as prolonged periods of drought and rising sea levels, said Adrian Raftery, the lead author of the study and a professor at the University of Washington.

The study uses statistical projections based on total world population, GDP per capita and the amount of carbon emitted for each dollar of economic activity, known as carbon intensity.

According to the  UN Environment Programme, world greenhouse emission, mainly from burning fossil fuels, are now about 54 million tonnes a year and should be cut to 42 billion by 2030 to get on track to stay below 2 Celsius.

Climate Change Paris conference