Finally, Pakistan's F-16 Lie Exposed? Washington Blasts Islamabad Over 'Risking Shared Security'

United States has slammed Pakistan for misusing F-16 fighter jets that it supplies to Islamabad. Washington has accused Islamabad of jeopardising their shared security.

Mohit Pandey
New Update
Finally, Pakistan's F-16 Lie Exposed? Washington Blasts Islamabad Over 'Risking Shared Security'

As per reports, an F-16 fighter of the Pakistan Air Force was shot down by the Indian Air Force. ( Photo Credit : Wikipedia)

United States has slammed Pakistan for misusing F-16 fighter jets that it supplies to Islamabad. Washington has accused Islamabad of jeopardising their shared security. In a letter to Pakistan Air chief Marshal Mujahid, former Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs, Andrea Thompson had lambasted Islamabad for moving F-16s to unapproved forward operating bases in defiance of its agreement with Pentagon, reports U.S. News.

The conversation between two officials has surfaced after India, in February this year, claimed that it shot down one F-16 jet during a dog fight with the Pakistan Air Force.

The letter, however, has no mentioning of the February’s incident but United States’ apprehension towards misuse is apparent for sure.

America finds Pakistan’s usage of F-16 as a stark violation of original terms of sale.

On February 26, India launched airstrikes on terror camps in Pakistan. One day later, on February 27, Islamabad responded with the violation of Indian airspace in the Rajouri sector of Jammu and Kashmir and dropped bombs when they were exiting, officials had said.

As per reports, an F-16 fighter of the Pakistan Air Force was shot down by the Indian Air Force and was seen falling in Lam area, about three kilometers inside Pakistan, officials said.

A parachute was also seen dropping along with the crashing fighter but the fate of its pilot was not known, reports News Agency ANI.

Thompson in his letter went on to warn Pakistan that its usage of F-16 jets risked their shared security and its action would have allowed these weapons to fall into the hands of malign actors and "could undermine our shared security platforms and infrastructures."

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