Former US vice president Joe Biden announces his candidacy for president in 2020

Joe Biden said that he entering the presidential race because the core values of America is at stake.

Raghwendra Shukla
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Former US vice president Joe Biden announces his candidacy for president in 2020

Joe Biden made his announcement in a video posted on Twitter. (File Photo: Twitter)

Former US vice president Joe Biden officially announced on Thursday his candidacy for 2020 presidential run. Biden said that he entering the presidential race because the core values of America is at stake.

“The core values of this nation… our standing in the world… our very democracy...everything that has made America -- America --is at stake. That’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States,” Biden tweeted. 

He made his announcement in a video posted on Twitter.

Thursday's announcement marks the unofficial end of the chaotic early phase of the 2020 presidential season. The field now features at least 20 Democrats jockeying for the chance to take on President Donald Trump next year. Several lesser-known candidates may still join the race.

Biden, a 76-year-old lifelong politician, becomes an instant front-runner alongside Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is leading many polls and has proved to be a successful fundraiser.

Among Democrats, Biden has unmatched international and legislative experience, and he is among the best-known faces in U.S. politics.

But the anti-establishment wave that swept Trump into office has not been kind to either party's statesmen. Biden's team worries about his fundraising ability and his tendency to commit gaffes. His centrist approach in a party moving left on major policy debates raises questions about his appeal.

Four years Trump's senior, Biden would be the oldest person ever elected president should he win. Yet his allies believe the skeptics will ultimately warm to his strong connections to the Obama years.

Biden has said he would campaign as an "Obama-Biden Democrat," who is as pragmatic as he is progressive. He's aiming to be a conduit between working-class white voters and the younger, more diverse voters who backed Obama in historic numbers.

With PTI Inputs 

Barack Obama US President Donald Trump Joe Biden US united states