German teen accused of copy editing IS propaganda charged for supporting terrorism

Mikail S faces nine counts of supporting the Islamic State on allegations he'd been in contact with the extremist organisation's propaganda operations.

Kanishk Sharma
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German teen accused of copy editing IS propaganda charged for supporting terrorism

An Islamic State (IS) black flag is seen near the Syrian town of Koban. (Getty Images)

Federal German prosecutors have charged an 18-year-old with supporting a terrorist organisation by translating Islamic State (IS) propaganda and correcting errors in texts the group posted online.

Prosecutors said on Friday Mikail S, a German citizen whose last name wasn't disclosed in line with privacy laws, faces nine counts of supporting the Islamic State on allegations he'd been in contact with the extremist organisation's propaganda operations since mid-2016.

S is alleged to have contacted the group, offering to translate English, German and Turkish texts and correct linguistic errors. After being taken up on his offer, he delivered over the period of about a month beginning at the start of June one translation and eight corrected texts which ended up on the internet. The suspect has been in custody since July 14.

Islamic State IS IS propaganda Germany