Hillary Clinton laughs off rumors about her health, calls it “wacky strategy”

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has laughed off rumors about her health and alleged that such things are part of the “wacky strategy' of her political opponents.

Ankit Pal
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Hillary Clinton laughs off rumors about her health, calls it “wacky strategy”

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has laughed off rumors about her health and alleged that such things are part of the “wacky strategy” of her political opponents.

“I don’t know why they are saying this. I think, on the one hand, it’s part of the wacky strategy, just say all these crazy things and maybe you can get some people to believe you,” Clinton told the popular ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ on ABC.

“On the other hand, it just absolutely makes no sense. And I don’t go around questioning Donald Trump’s health. I mean, as far as I can tell he’s as healthy as a horse, you know? she said as she had fun with the notion of she being in poor health.

“This has become one of their themes. Take my pulse while I’m talking to you,” she said and asked Kimmel to make sure she is alive amidst laughter from the audience.

And to test her health Kimmel asked her to open a jar of pickle.

“I do feel sometimes like this campaign has entered into an alternative universe. And so, I’m out here talking about, hey, here’s how we can create a lot more good jobs, here’s how we can help young people pay off their student debts, here’s how we can make housing affordable...,” she said.

Clinton said she is drawing her experience in elementary school when asked her preparations for the presidential debate with her Republican rival Donald Trump.

“Can you prepare for a debate with Donald Trump?” Kimmel asked.

“You have to prepare. I watched a lot of his debates during the primaries and he insulted all of his opponents...  he insulted all of the moderators, he insulted I guess about 80 percent of the American people and the rest of the world,” she said.

“And so, how do you prepare for that? I think, on the one hand, it’s a serious chance for Americans to tune it, and if they haven’t made up their minds, to try to make up their minds. So, I want to take it seriously. I want to talk about what I think we can do and how important it is,” she said.

“But you’ve got to prepared for, like, wacky stuff that comes at you. And I am drawing on my experience in elementary school,” Clinton said.

United States Of America Hillary Clinton health