Israeli embassy shootout: Two Jordanians killed, one Israeli wounded

Tension have been mounted between the two countries since Israel installed metal detectors at entry point to Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem

himani gwari
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Israeli embassy shootout: Two Jordanians killed, one Israeli wounded

A shootout at Israel's embassy compound in Amman on Sunday left two Jordanians dead and one Israeli injured. Police said that the two Jordanians worked for a furniture firm and went to embassy for repairs, while another wounded Israeli could not be identified by Police.

Tension have been mounted between the two countries since Israel installed metal detectors at entry point to Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem after two Israeli policemen were killed at the site by Israeli Arab gunmen.

On Friday ,thousand of Jordanians took to the streets of Amman after the weekly prayer to register their protest against Israeli measures at the Haram al-Sharif mosque compound.

Israel ans Jordan are bound by a 1994 peace treaty, and now this incident of Amman shoot out came as Israeli Prime minister met with his security cabinet to decide how to respond to the increasing violence.

Israeli embassy shootout World News Jerusalem