NAM nations take strong stand against terrorism, call for strict action against global terror groups

Countries part of the Non Aligned Movement (NAM) strongly condemned terrorism while claiming it was the biggest threat to international peace and security.

rahul mishra
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NAM nations take strong stand against terrorism, call for strict action against global terror groups

Non Aligned movement summit

Countries part of the Non Aligned Movement (NAM) strongly condemned terrorism while claiming it was the biggest threat to international peace and security. The NAM nations along with India asked states all over the globe to take up cudgels against all sorts of terrorism and try and find out ways to stop the flow of weapons and funds to terror groups.

The 17th Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit here, attended by Vice President Hamid Ansari, also condemned the destruction of cultural heritage and religious sites, as well as the commission of crimes against humanity by terrorist groups, among others, on the basis of their religion or beliefs.

 "They reiterated that terrorism constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security. Hence, they reaffirmed their firm condemnation of terrorist acts in all their forms and manifestations, whatever their motivations, wherever and by whomsoever they are committed," a declaration at the end of the summit said. 

The nations recognised the threat posed nowadays by this despicable scourge, particularly the activities carried out by terrorist groups such as the Taliban, Al-Qaida, ISIS and its affiliated entities, Jabhat Al Nusra, Boko Haram and Al Shabbaab, and other entities designated by the United Nations, including the phenomenon of foreign terrorist fighters and the spread of violent extremism which can be conducive to terrorism. 

So it is "necessary for States to prevent and combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including its financing and the illicit transfer of weapons, in a decisive and coordinated manner, with strict adherence to the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, as well as other obligations under international law," the statement said.

 "In this regard, they considered that the adoption of a future Comprehensive Convention for Combating International Terrorism could complement the set of existing international legal instruments, including the implementation of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy," it said.

In addition, they reaffirmed that terrorism and violent extremism as and when conducive to terrorism cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilisation or ethnic group, and that these attributions should not be used to justify terrorism or counterterrorism measures that include, inter alia, profiling of terror suspects and intrusion on individual privacy. India yesterday had said that "concrete action" was needed in the fight against terrorism and asked the 120-nation group to set up a mechanism to ensure effective cooperation in combating the menace. 

NAM Peace Hamid Ansari Terrorism india countries