Noble Prize in Literature: Celebrities shower praises on legendary singer Bob Dylan for winning grand prize

Various celebrities praised American legendary songwriter and singer Bob Dylan for his outstanding music and called him an apt selection for the Nobel Prize for literature.

rahul mishra
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Noble Prize in Literature: Celebrities shower praises on legendary singer Bob Dylan for winning grand prize

Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan, the legendary American songwriter, singer and artist won the Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday. The legendary musician won hearts all over the globe with his influential music and was renowned for creating new poetic expressions.

Various celebrities and authors reacted on Dylan’s winning the prestigious award. 

American actor and producer James Woods praised Dylan as a deserving candidate for the Nobel Prize. Apart from him, Americn author Stephen King, writer Salman Rushdie and US President Barack Obama also praised Dylan's songwriting skills. 

Barack Obama Salman Rushdie Nobel Prize in Literature Bob dylan