North Korea tests ballistic missile in the Sea of Japan

North Korea has been pushing to acquire SLBM capability that would take its nuclear strike threat to a new level, allowing deployment far beyond the Korean peninsula and the potential to retaliate in the event of a nuclear attack.

Aman Dwivedi
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North Korea tests ballistic missile in the Sea of Japan

North Korea test ballistic missile

North Korea tested what appeared to be a submarine launched ballistic missile in the Sea of Japan, the South Korean defence ministry said. “North Korea launched a projectile which was believed to be a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) around 6:30 pm (0930 GMT) in the East Sea (Sea of Japan)” near the northeastern port of Sinpo”, a defence ministry spokesman said. ( Also Read: North Korea missile launch fails on its founder's birthday )

“We are keeping close tabs on the North Korean military and maintaining a full defence posture”, he said. It was not immediately known whether the launch was a success, he added. North Korea has been pushing to acquire SLBM capability that would take its nuclear strike threat to a new level, allowing deployment far beyond the Korean peninsula and the potential to retaliate in the event of a nuclear attack.( Also Read: G7 declaration calls for 'world without nuclear weapons' )

It has conducted a number of what it says were successful SLBM tests, but experts question the claim, suggesting Pyongyang had gone little further than a “pop-up” test from a submerged platform. ( Also Read: Senior North Korea military officer defects to South )

Submarine South Korean Defennce Ballistic Missile