Syrian troops captures villages and towns in a rebel-held region

Syrian troops and allied militias have captured a number of villages and towns in a rebel-held region near the capital, in the largest advance since a wide-scale offensive began last month

Subhayan Chakraborty
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Syrian troops captures villages and towns in a rebel-held region

Syrian troops capture town in rebel-head region (Image Source: PTI)

Syrian troops and allied militias have captured a number of villages and towns in a rebel-held region near the capital, in the largest advance since a wide-scale offensive began last month, state media and activists reported on Sunday.

Syria's Central Military Media said government forces captured at least six villages and towns along the edge of eastern Ghouta in the advance that began late yesterday. A reporter from the state-run Al-Ikhbariyah TV, who accompanied the troops, broadcast from Nashabiyah, a village on the southeastern edge of eastern Ghouta.

The reporter said the Syrian troops had crossed a "moat" and seized around 12 square kms. The advance was backed by intense shelling and air strikes. Rebel factions said they launched a counter offensive on Sunday, sending fighters behind government lines in a series of attacks. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the rebels regained control of at least one town, while fighting continues.

The Observatory and the Syrian Civil Defense said civilians fleeing the advancing troops were taking cover in underground shelters. "It is a scorched-earth policy," said Ghouta-based activist Nour Adam. "People are moving out because of the relentless bombing." Eastern Ghouta, home to some 400,000 people, has been under a crippling siege and daily bombardment for months.

More than 600 civilians have been killed in the last two weeks alone. Meanwhile, no civilians have exited through a humanitarian corridor set up by Russia and the Syrian government nearly a week ago. Russia has accused the rebels of preventing civilians from leaving, allegations denied by the insurgents.

The rebels say the humanitarian corridor is part of government efforts to forcibly displace the population, and have called on government forces to implement a full cease-fire adopted by the U.N. Security Council. 

Russia War Syria UN Rebel Army