US Elections 2016: Republican Party formally nominate Donald Trump as presidential candidate

Trump would face Hillary Clinton of the Democratic Party in the November 8 presidential elections. If elected, he would be the first successful businessman without any political experience to become the president of the US.

Ankit Pal
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US Elections 2016: Republican Party formally nominate Donald Trump as presidential candidate

Presumptive Republican nominee for US president Donald Trump visits Trump International Golf Links on June 25, 2016 in Aberdeen, Scotland. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)

The Republican Party on Wednesday officially nominated real estate magnate Donald John Trump as presidential candidate for November general elections in the US. Trump, who joined politics only a year ago and stormed the Republican party defeating as many as 17 top GOP leaders in the process, is expected to deliver his acceptance speech at the convention in Cleveland.

“Donald Trump having received the majority of the votes cast has been selected as the Republican Party nominee of the president of the United States,” announced Paul Ryan, House of Representatives Speaker and also chair of the Republican National Convention. Trump welcomed Republican nomination as “great honour” and vowed to work hard. 

“Such a great honour to be the Republican Nominee for President of the United States. I will work hard and never let you down! AMERICA FIRST!” Trump tweeted.

As announced by Ryan, Trump received 1,725 votes, followed by Senator Ted Cruz (475), Ohio Governor John Kasich (120) and Senator Marco Rubio (114).

Trump would face Hillary Clinton of the Democratic Party in the November 8 presidential elections. If elected, he would be the first successful businessman without any political experience to become the president of the US.

Trump, whose election theme is “Make America Great Again” was declared the party’s nominee after his son Donald J Trump Jr cast the vote of elected delegates from his home state of New York, that gave him the requisite 1237 votes required to cross the half way mark.

“Congratulations Dad. We love you,” screamed the Junior Trump as the giant screen inside the Quicken Loan Arena showed that the billionaire is on top of the delegates. 

“It is my honour to be able to throw Donald Trump over the top in the delegate count tonight with 89 delegates,” he said.

Senator Jeff Sessions from Alabama, who heads the national security and foreign policy team of Trump, nominated the real estate tycoon as the Republican presidential nominee.

“Mr Speaker, it’s my distinct honour and great pleasure to nominate Donald J Trump for the office of president of the United States of America,” Sessions said.

The nomination was seconded by Congressman Chris Collins from New York and South Carolina Lt Gov Henry Dargan McMaster.  Indiana Governor Mike Pence was nominated as the vice presidential running mate of Trump. (Read More: How Donald Trump, a real estate giant, became presidential candidate)

US elections 2016 Donald Trump Republican party