PM Modi Or Imran Khan - Who Nailed It At UNGA? Comparison Between A 'Statesman' And A 'Gully Boy'

While India, for the first time in eight years decided to skip Pakistan at UNGA, the Pakistani prime minister spoke on Kashmir like a 'gully boy'.

shashikant sharma
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PM Modi Or Imran Khan - Who Nailed It At UNGA? Comparison Between A 'Statesman' And A 'Gully Boy'

While Modi skipped mentioning Pakistan, Imran Khan got carried away while raising the Kashmir issue. (Photo: Twitter/ANI)

Until today, there were great sepculations among the people and the media houses of both India and Pakistan that swords will be drawn when their respective leaders will speak at the 74th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York. And the the swords were drawn but not from the Indian side. India, for the first time in eight years decided to skip Pakistan at UNGA, the Pakistani prime minister spoke on Kashmir like a 'gully boy'. He refused to realise the fact that the Kashmir move was taken by the Indian Parliament in a democractic way. While Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi highlighted India's contribution to the world peace and how the country plans to develop in the next five yeras, his Pakistani counterpart raised the issue of Kashmir's special status, the sole reason, he said, he came for. The Pak PM also slammed "few western leaders" who antagonised Islam after the 9/11 attacks. He argued that Hindus were not branded as terrorists for the acts of Srilankan extremist group LTTE, whose members belonged to the religion.

What PM Modi said?

  • India is a great culture that is thousands of years old. It has encompassed universal dreams, our culture focuses on seeing divinity in every being. As as a result, public welfare is embedded in our cultural values.
  • In the coming 5 years, we will connect 15 crore people with running water supply. 1.15 lakh km of additional roads will be constructed.
  • In 2022, India will complete 75 years of independence and we will build 2 crore more houses for poor people by then. By 2025, We also intend to rid india of tuberculosis.
  • It is absolutely essential for the world to unite against terrorism as it remains the biggest threat to the world. India has contributed vehemently to the UN Peace keeping forces. We have the authority and the will to warn the world against terrorism.
  • India's contribution towards UN Peace-keeping missions has been immense. We are a nation that gave the world 'Buddha' (peace) and not 'Yuddha' (war). We gave the message of peace to the world. And this is why we are serious as well as furious while cautioning the world against terrorism.
  • When a developing nation successfully carries out the biggest cleanliness drive of the world and provides more than 11 crore toilets to its people just within 5 years, that system gives a message of inspiration to the entire world.

What Imran Khan said?

  • First of all I start with climate change. So many leaders spoke about climate change but I feel there is a lack of seriousness (to tackle the issue). "Perhaps some of the leaders who can do a lot do not realise the seriousness of the situation. There are a lot of ideas but they are nothing without funding.
  • Every year billions of dollars leave the poorer countries and go towards rich countries, siphoned off by the ruling elites of the western world. This is devastating the developing world. It is impoverishing them. The rich-poor gap is growing because of them.
  • Islamophobia is creating divisions, hijab is becoming a weapon; a woman can take off clothes but she can't put on more clothes. It started after 9/11 and it started because certain western leaders equated Islam with terrorism.
  • I know that India keeps saying we have militant organisations but I invite UN observers to come and see for themselves. Secondly we started mending fences. We engaged with Afghanistan, Iran.

And then the Pakistani PM started his Kashmir rant

  • It is arrogance that has blinded Modi. Has he thought about what will happen after the curfew in Kashmir is lifted? "What will he do? Does he think the people of Kashmir will quietly accept the status quo?"
  • India illegally revoked Article 370 that gave a special status to Jammu and Kashmir. They brought 900,000 troops for eight million people. They locked them down. Had it been the UK and eight million animals would have been locked down, there would be much uproar about it.
  • Has PM Modi thought what would happen when the curfew in Kashmir is lifted? Do you think people in Kashmir would accept that you have withdrawn the special status? Thousands of children in Kashmir have been put under detention. They, too, will come out on the streets after the curfew in the state is lifted and the Army will shoot them.
  • But whatever happens in Kashmir after the curfew is lifted, there will be another terror attack like Pulwama and Pakistan will be blamed.
Imran Khan UNGA Session pm modi