Woman gets stuck in tree while playing Pokemon Go!

The New Jersey woman was trying to catch Pokemon in a cemetery in Clarksboro when she ended up stuck in a tree and had to call emergency number 911 to rescue her. The woman climbed the tree on Tuesday night while playing “Pokemon Go' on her smartphone inside the Eglington Cemetery, authorities said.

Akash Shevde
New Update
Woman gets stuck in tree while playing Pokemon Go!

Woman gets stuck in tree while playing Pokemon Go!

In a bizarre incident in the US, a woman got stuck up in a tree inside a cemetery while playing the widely popular location-based augmented reality game Pokemon Go and had to be rescued by firefighters. The New Jersey woman was trying to catch Pokemon in a cemetery in Clarksboro when she ended up stuck in a tree and had to call emergency number 911 to rescue her. The woman climbed the tree on Tuesday night while playing “Pokemon Go” on her smartphone inside the Eglington Cemetery, authorities said.

She called 911, and the East Greenwich Township Fire and Rescue arrived to get her down with a ladder.

“The biggest thing we are trying to stress out of all this is people playing this game need to be cognizant about watching where they are going and what they are doing so no one gets hurt,” East Greenwich Township Fire Chief Rob Gouldwas quoted as saying by WPVI-TV.

In a Facebook post, the fire department warned “Pokemon Go” players to “think about what you are doing and where you are going before you actually do it.”

The woman is said to have “reluctantly admitted” the incident occurred as a result of playing the game. The incident comes amid a surge in incidents of people getting into trouble while playing Pokemon Go.

Cleveland Police issued a warning after a driver in Stourbridge, West Midlands, was fined for playing while driving. In another incident in the US someone drove into a police car while playing the game at the wheel.

A teenager was shot dead in Guatemala after being ambushed while playing the game with his cousin.

Also read: Fatwa against playing 'Pokemon Go' in Saudi Arabia

                Pokemon Go - All you need to know about a game that creates global frenzy

women playing pokemon go Women stuck on tree playing pokemon go New Jersey Pokemon GO